奉献 Giving
这样,你的仓房,必充满有余,你的酒榨,有新酒盈溢。”(箴言 3:9-10)
"Honor the Lord with your wealth,
with the firstfruits of all your crops;
then your barns will be filled to overflowing,
and your vats will brim over with new wine." (Proverbs 3:9-10).
You can give one-time donations, set up recurring offerings, and choose the fund to which you want to contribute through our online giving link below or scan the QR code
注册线上奉献的账户将可使用ACH转帐及查询奉献记录等功能等功能, 并减少第三方收费,
若不方便注册,可点击Click here to give as a Guest. 若使用此功能, 请备注/说明(必填):包括您的姓名,地址,电子邮箱和目的。
Zelle转帐奉献 Give via Zelle
美国的主要银行都提供Zelle转帐服务。您可以透过银行线上帐户查看您的银行是否提供此选项。若您的银行没有与Zelle合作, 您也可以透过Zelle Pay来进行Zelle 转帐。详情请参考www.zellepay.com的官网内容。
透过Zelle奉献时, 请将您的奉献发给 giving@31cc.org 或直接利用下列的Zelle二维码。
Several major banks in the US support sending money through Zelle. Examples include Bank of America, Capital One, Chase Bank, PNC, and Wells Fargo. You may go to your online banking site to see if this service is available for your institution.
If your bank does not offer a service for sending money via Zelle, you may still be able to do so through Zelle, a digital payments network that allows people to send or receive money to or from anyone with a U.S. bank account. To learn more about this service, visit www.zellepay.com.
To give via Zelle, send your offering to giving@31cc.org. Or scan the QR cod
-受款者电邮 (email): giving@31cc.org
-受款者之名 (First Name): Trinity Chinese
-受款者之姓 (Last Name): Trinity Chinese
-给受款人的讯息: 请提供您的姓名,地址, 电邮或电话号码,以及奉献项目。
Specify the following information:
• Recipient’s Email (Required): giving@31cc.org
• Recipient’s First Name (Required): Trinity Chinese
• Recipient’s Last Name (Required): Church
• Message to Recipient (Required): include your Name, Address, email address (or phone number), and purpose(s)
账单支付方式 Give via Bill Pay
如果您的银行提供Bill Pay,您可以通过一次性或定期支付的方式将您的捐献发送给教会。
• 收款者(必填):
Trinity Chinese Church
P.O. box 774, 401 Century Pkwy, Allen, TX 75013
• 备注/说明(必填):包括您的姓名,地址,电子邮址和奉献项目。
If your bank offers bill pay, you can send your offering to Trinity Chinese Church with a one-time or recurring payment.
Specify the following information:
• Payment Receiver (Required): Trinity Chinese Church P.O. box 774, 401 Century Pkwy, Allen, TX 75013
• Memo/Description (Required): include your name, address, email address, and purpose(s).
邮寄支票 Mail a Check
Trinity Chinese Church
P.O. box 774, 401 Century Pkwy, Allen, TX 75013
• 姓名
• 地址
• 电子邮址
• 备注/说明:若非一般的十一奉献,请在备注栏或信封上注明您的特别捐献的项目: 例如,“宣教基金”或“建堂基金”。您可以指定一个或多个基金。
Mail your check to the church office at the following address:
Trinity Chinese Church
P.O. box 774, 401 Century Pkwy, Allen, TX 75013
The following information should be pre-printed or clearly written on your check:
• Name (Required if not already printed on your check)
• Address (Required if not already printed on your check)
• Email Address: for communication in case of questions.
• Purpose(s): indicate on the memo line or envelope where your gift should go if it is not a regular tithe or offering. For example, “Missions Fund”, or “Building Fund”. You may designate one or more funds.
合格慈善分配 Qualified Charitable Distribution
If you are 70½ or older, you are required to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your traditional IRA account. You can make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) by requesting your IRA custodian to send a distribution to Trinity Chinese Church.
Benefits: The QCD amount can be counted toward satisfying your RMDs and the QCD amount is excluded from your taxable income.
Note: Since the QCD amount is not taxed, you may not then claim the distribution as a charitable tax deduction.
Please consult with your tax advisor to determine whether your donation is tax deductible in whole or in part. Nothing in this communication is intended to constitute legal or tax advice.
捐赠人主导的慈善基金 Donor Advised Funds
You can make an offering to Trinity Chinese Church via a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), such as Fidelity Charitable Giving. Please note that your tax receipt will be issued by the DAF, not Trinity Chinese Church.
Remember to make known your name, address and purpose(s).
雇主对等捐款 Employer Matching
Many companies match employees’ gifts to charitable programs. If your company has a matching gift program, please inquire if Trinity Chinese Church is qualified to receive company matching. For donation verification, please contact the Treasury Deacon at giving@31cc.org.
比特币奉献 Bitcoin
Click this Link 点击链接: Check out
股票或基金奉献 Stocks or Mutual Funds
Coming Soon!
To inquire about other ways to give offering, such as Bank Wire Transfer , please contact Church Treasure, email giving@31cc.org.