Senior Pastor
傅 凯彬
Kaibin Fu
傅凱彬牧师生长于中国江西省景德镇市。 1999年从清华大学毕业后来美国念研究所。 2005年获得博士学位后在农工大学主校园工作四年,2009-2012年在普文分校作数学系助理教授。 2012年8月,他辞掉教职成为圣安华人教会的全时间传道人。 2018年底他获得西南浸信会神学院道学硕士学位 。 2019年1月任科林郡恩友堂中文部传道,2020年2月被按立为牧师。2022年1月带领同工建立三一堂。
他和妻子际红育有四位儿女 。傅牧师最喜欢的运动是橄榄球(德州农工大学队和达拉斯牛仔队);最喜欢的食物是牛排;爱好包括读书、旅行等等。
Pastor. Kaibin Fu was born and raised in Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province, China. After graduating from Tsinghua University, he came to the US to pursue graduate studies in 1999. He received his doctorate degree in 2005 and taught several years at the main and Prairie View branch campus of Texas A&M. Rev Fu received his Master of Divinity in Dec 2018 from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He started the pastoral position at CCCFC in January 2019 and was ordained in February 2020. He is married to Jihong and they have four children – David, Daniel, Christopher and Joy. His favorite food is steak and his favorite sport is Football (Aggies and Cowboys). His hobbies include reading and travel, etc.